Natural, Organic, and Alternative
According to Wikipedia, "Organic foods ... are grown without the use of conventional pesticides, artificial fertilizers, human waste, or sewage sludge, and that they were processed without ionizing radiation or food additives. Livestock are reared without the routine use of antibiotics and without the use of growth hormones. In most countries, organic produce must not be genetically modified."
Stonyfield Farm's website has a great section called "Why we're organic".
The Environmental Working Group lists the Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in produce. The Shopper's guide lists the Dirty Dozen Plus - the 12 most pesticide-contaminated fresh produce. These you want to definitely buy organic! It also lists the 15 least contaminated. I was shocked to find apples on the Dirty Dozen list! It also links to a list of 51 common fruits and vegetables, and lists them in order from most contaminated to least. I'm appalled every year to find any corn on the Clean 15 because it is often a GMO crop. Make sure to look for non-GMO or organic sweet corn. Check out the guide, print it out and keep it in your wallet for a reference when shopping. If you want to get even more info about pesticides in food, you can go to the Environmental Working Group's main website.
Below is a list of resources for local produce. Many smaller farms use less pesticieds than the giant ones.
Community Supported Agriculture
RI Fruit Growers - A list of Pick-Your-Own farms
Of course, why Pick-Your-Own when you can Grow-Your-Own? The freshest, least expensive produce can be grown in your own back yard, or in large pots on your deck. Working outdoors in a garden can be fun and rewarding, especially when using environmentally-friendly products. Learn more in our section devoted to Bugs and Gardens!
Illness Prevention - There are many supplements that will help keep you healthy when you cannot get garden fresh veggies.
Alternative Medicine - Check out these safe and effective alternatives for your family
Toxic Reduction - Find out more about the toxins we use everyday, and how to reduce your exposure to harsh chemicals
Non-Toxic Household Cleaners - Discover alternative, all-natural household products that clean effectively without endangering you and your family to harsh chemicals